In the beginning, there was only Omni. It was the start of time, existence, and all things therein. It was the pool of infinity from which every being, alive or dead, was sprung. It was the point of origin for eternity itself.
Among the roiling waves of this great pool, a single peak of order was born to force back the chaos. Nyr, the almighty Creator, rose from the maelstrom. With his divine spear in hand, he created the world of the real…the material realm. And he created life from the eternal waters of Omni to give his world beauty. Then he created thoughts, feelings, and impulses to give those lives meaning. Nyr’s zeal grew and he created comfort and conflict to shape those meanings of life.
But with such boundless creation soon came mindless creation. And with that came a wake of failures, weak manifestations, and morbid imbalance. There was no judgement or rule amid the creation to level the cosmic scales.
Thus, Omni saw fit to call forth the almighty Destroyer, Cyrrak, to quell the ever-growing madness in Nyr. Cyrrak devoured the lesser works of genesis with the ardor of a starved warrior. With that ruin, Cyrrak grew in power and brought balance back to existence.